Interviewing Grandma: VE Day 2020

Hello. It is the 75th anniversary of VE Day today, the day marking the allied victory of WWII. It feels weird to be celebrating such a momentous day in British history while we’re all stuck indoors. Sure there are still online celebrations, the laying of the wreath, the two minute silence and so on but it’s easy to feel disconnected. We’re all pretty much on our own schedules, connecting and disconnecting as we please. In fact I missed the silence altogether and I’m only not beating myself up about that because I was at least doing something vaguely useful in dropping off food for the food bank. Additionally there were lots of things that have been months (or even years) in the planning including both veteran-centric events and live performances, few of which will now actually go ahead. The lost opportunity to honour people in this way on the 75th anniversary is a real shame.

Our street did actually plan a socially distanced street party, as I believe many did. I like the way in which our London street is coming together, neighbours staying in touch and checking in on each other, but I’m not ready to launch myself out into the street for a glass of wine with everyone quite yet, despite how safely it’s done. Instead I decided to connect with my own family for VE Day. My Grandma was a singer with the Ivy Benson all-girl band that toured as part of ENSA to entertain the British troops throughout the war. I’ve heard her stories lots but she recently realised that one of her big performances in 1945 was actually when the band were requested to rush overnight to Berlin to sing as part of the VE Day celebrations. To honour the day I decided to interview her about the experience. I hope you enjoy!



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