Corona Diaries: To go or not to go…(To Manchester)


OK here it is, here’s one of those coming-out-of-the-pandemic moments I was referring to in the previous blog. I mean I hope badly that we are actually coming out of the pandemic, because it’s not always crystal clear. But yes, obviously that’s what we’re aiming for right now and, for the most part, things are pushing forward. There will however, as mentioned previously, always be these strange novel situations where we have to make a choice, weighing up a combination of facts and feelings ranging from What do I want to do? to What’s the possible risk factor to this? Despite vaccination rollout, experts have mostly all told us now that Covid is here to stay long term and that our plan of action is now to learn to live with it.

I’m not good at living with a constant element of risk, although we obviously all do it everyday to some extent. I particularly struggle with having to make an active decision that could have a direct impact on the amount of risk I’m exposing myself and others to. So this situation isn’t ideal and essentially makes me want to lock myself up in a room and wrap everyone I love up safely. Which is a super healthy mindset. But I know I’m not the only one.

So here, in real time is my dilemma. Although London has been opening up of late, my husband’s job has meant that he hasn’t been able to join in with much else. No restaurants, cafes or shops for him. No Sunday meanders around Waterstones (literally our top couple activity), little to no inclusion in any of my plans with my family and friends (not sure how much of a hardship this has been) and if I suggest another walk I think he might spontaneously combust. The main issue though is that he hasn’t been back to his hometown of Manchester for months or seen him family. So we finally booked a trip for six days, leaving this Monday. And if you’re up to date with the news in the UK you’ll realise my issue.

Yesterday Matt Hancock advised against non-essential travel in Manchester and Lancashire. Not ideal. And actually a bit of a surprise as we plod towards this potential June 21st opening up deadline. It felt like a fairly safe option really: we’d avoided foreign holidays and intended to see friends and family who are all vaccinated or regularly testing. We were driving there and have booked self-catering accommodation plus a couple of restaurants, mostly with outdoor seating options. It feels like we’re being fairly responsible and careful. We’d really like to go, see much missed friends and family and to be honest have a lil holiday. But we also want to minimise risk, both for ourselves and others.

Manchester mayor Andy Burnham says, "This is not about telling people to cancel their plans, it is about asking them to be careful in setting any new ones, to minimise non-essential travel." So, where does that leave us? We’ve made our plans but actually we could cancel them. We could stay home. It’s not the only trip we’ve planned in June. This is one of those tricksy moments that we might perhaps have to get used to, so it makes sense to clarify how to deal with it. That’s where we are right now, mulling over the ins and outs right up until the hotel cancellation deadline!


May & June Culture Wrap Up


Corona Diaries: Feeling Glum