Corona Diaries - Conspiracies


While Spain is on military shut down and Macron has given all French citizens a financial safety net, the advice in the UK is a little less clear cut. We have been told to isolate if we have symptoms, and for the elderly and vulnerable to stay home, that schools will probably close later down the line and that we shouldn’t be going out or travelling. That said however theatres, pubs, shops - none have been forced to close. Many have of course but they haven’t had clear cut advice from the government, they’ve had to do it themselves. Potential insurance issues aside this could be seen as a positive aspect of a democratic government. We’re advised, but not forced, to do anything, we’re free to make a journey or head in to work or pick up something from the shop if necessary. We’re adults and we can make our own decisions. But this has left confusion in its wake. If we’re being told to stay home then things have to be pretty bad. But if pubs are still open then it’s got to be okay right? 

I thought that most people were pretty sensible. I thought that seeing the news in China and Italy would kick us all into action, make us consider the risks. It wasn’t immediate but most people do seem to be doing this. I am however surprised at some peoples’ absolute disregard for themselves and others. I’ll admit, I’m struggling to make sense of it all. There’s a small bit of me that’s just hiding in my house and waiting for it all to blow over, muttering stuff about silver linings and staying positive. If you’re not on the front line, seeing people who are sick, then it’s easier to pretend this is all a big fuss about nothing I suppose. There’s the British tourists in Spain openly defying the police’s rules about staying indoors by heading out to the pubs, the kids on Spring Break in Florida flooding the boats for booze cruises and the older gentleman who said we’re all a bunch of snowflakes and it was just the bloody flu.

My biggest surprise so far was the message from an acquaintance asking where I was. When I explained that I was self-isolating he replied, “It’s not that bad babe. I don’t know why everyone is going mad”. When asked how he could reduce over 1,000 Italian deaths to ‘not that bad’ he told me that wasn’t happening, that it was a cover up to ‘mess the economy’ and that it’s all going to calm soon. He then sent me a 20 minute YouTube video explaining why it was a biological weapon against Iran. In the interests of research I watched the video and, like any good conspiracy, there’s just enough information there to get your brain whirring. That’s why people believe in these things. I, of course, engaged further and he’s already bored of my nonsense.

Look man, you believe what you want to believe, I don’t have all the answers. That said, I cannot for the life of me understand why, all that aside, you wouldn’t still take precautions. Change your lifestyle. Stay away from people. Protect others. In a time of confusion there are a few clear facts: 

  • It’s not ‘just like the flu’

  • People are dying 

  • The healthcare system is overstretched

These by themselves are surely enough to not take risks. Right? 


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Corona Diaries - The Beginning