Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Vaccination Stations

Isn’t it strange how much we talk about the future? About how things might look in the future. Whether it’s The Jetsons’ suggestion that we’ll all be travelling around in flying cars in 2026 or how often someone might say, “Well, obviously house ownership/petrol cars/the job market won’t be like this for our kids.”

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Serial Hobbyist

When I was younger I thought I’d one day be a West End musical performer. I’d been told over and over again to anticipate rejection and to grow a thick skin so I was very successful at tuning out my family’s suggestions (both gentle and forthright) that singing and dancing may not be my forte. Y

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Lucy Danser Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries - Conspiracies

While Spain is on military shut down and Macron has given all French citizens a financial safety net, the advice in the UK is a little less clear cut

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