By Category
Corona Diaries - New Normal
Ah, I’ve had my first blog cock up. Amazing it took so long to happen. I spent an hour drafting a post yesterday only for it to have completely vanished into the ether today.
Corona Diaries - Huff Post Article
Repost of my article on OCD and COVID-19 written for the Huffington Post.
Corona Diaries - In Our Heads
A couple of weeks ago, before we could officially no longer leave our houses but when things were already starting to ramp up, I decided to honour one final appointment. I met with Nick and Ace at UCL where we recorded an episode of their podcast In Our Heads.
Corona Diaries - Processing
I’m kind of ashamed to admit that some of this has felt like a holiday to me. Hear me out. I have taken it seriously from the start, currently self-isolating after my husband fell ill, reaching out to neighbours and following the government’s daily briefings closely.