Blog, Corona Diaries, News Lucy Danser Blog, Corona Diaries, News Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Got it

Hello, welcome back to my Corona Diaries! It’s been a while hasn’t it? But let’s be honest, everyone was really just OVER it, right? No one was waiting for me to chime up and start wittering on about lateral flow tests and masks. But I’m afraid that now I’ve finally had a bout of COVID I have returned!

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Blog, Corona Diaries, News Lucy Danser Blog, Corona Diaries, News Lucy Danser

Thank You, Santas.

Saturday 18th December. 2021. It’s freezing cold and I nestle down into my thick scarf as we walk down the street, passing a cute cafe offering a full Sunday roast for £6.50, and arrive at the outdoor section of the shopping centre complex.

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Blog, Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Blog, Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Travel Blog: Travelling Malta (Part I - Gozo)

I didn’t actually think I would go abroad this year, and had all sorts of convoluted feelings about doing so but, as is evident, wanderlust won out. We decided on Malta after a painfully long decision process in which our excitement at planning a trip was challenged somewhat by the panic-inducing amount of choice suddenly on offer. We could go almost anywhere!

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Feeling Glum

I read a piece recently by Jenny Lawson - AKA The Bloggess - in which she said that when she was anxious she read more voraciously but that when she was in the midst of deep depression she didn’t read at all. Reading for me, like for Lawson, like for many other people, is an escape and a distraction when most needed.

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Opening Up

Uh, so yeah, it's actually happened. Pubs, bars, cafés, restaurants…they've all opened up, albeit outside only. The family WhatsApp with the in-laws is peppered with photos of long awaited nights out: dinners at 4pm (because you gotta be quick if you want a reservation at a normal hour), after work pints and trips to countryside cottages.

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Vaccination Stations

Isn’t it strange how much we talk about the future? About how things might look in the future. Whether it’s The Jetsons’ suggestion that we’ll all be travelling around in flying cars in 2026 or how often someone might say, “Well, obviously house ownership/petrol cars/the job market won’t be like this for our kids.”

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Serial Hobbyist

When I was younger I thought I’d one day be a West End musical performer. I’d been told over and over again to anticipate rejection and to grow a thick skin so I was very successful at tuning out my family’s suggestions (both gentle and forthright) that singing and dancing may not be my forte. Y

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Silver Linings

In February 2020 I started a six month writing course with Faber Academy. At 10am on a Tuesday morning I joined another 14 writers - made up of a variety of ages, experience and backgrounds - and we nervously and keenly filed into Bloomsbury house for the first time.

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Cummings

Oh man. Deary deary me. Yeah this is a bit of a mess isn’t it. I doubt I have any deeper thoughts on this situation than all the professionals (and non-pros) writing and shouting about this so I won’t go on about it too much. I

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries - The Fear

At the moment emotions are running high. From talking to my loved ones and casting an eye over twitter I’ve noticed that from one day to another any one person can feel either calm and contented or panicked and scared.

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