Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Feeling Glum

I read a piece recently by Jenny Lawson - AKA The Bloggess - in which she said that when she was anxious she read more voraciously but that when she was in the midst of deep depression she didn’t read at all. Reading for me, like for Lawson, like for many other people, is an escape and a distraction when most needed.

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries: Silver Linings

In February 2020 I started a six month writing course with Faber Academy. At 10am on a Tuesday morning I joined another 14 writers - made up of a variety of ages, experience and backgrounds - and we nervously and keenly filed into Bloomsbury house for the first time.

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