News, Blog Lucy Danser News, Blog Lucy Danser

News: Just Get A Real Job (the podcast)

As I sit on my sofa, coffee on one side, a cacophony of paperwork on the other, quietly freaking out at the fact that tomorrow we’re heading off on tour, it seems fitting that I’m the most recent guest on the Just Get A Real Job podcast.

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Lucy Danser Lucy Danser

Comics’ Books: Ode to R L Stine

2020 has brought a lot of novelty to peoples’ lives, both good and bad. So far I’ve tried writing a novel, starting (and frequently rejecting) new exercise regimes, making short videos of my dog just trying to live her life and have created projects with sub-par results in both embroidery and knitting.

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Corona Diaries Lucy Danser Corona Diaries Lucy Danser

Corona Diaries - In Our Heads

A couple of weeks ago, before we could officially no longer leave our houses but when things were already starting to ramp up, I decided to honour one final appointment. I met with Nick and Ace at UCL where we recorded an episode of their podcast In Our Heads.

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